Peter Dwares on Healthcare
The government is asking the customer i.e. the public to buy a pair of shoes without telling the size, the color about how the customer will pay. People over 65 are leery. People nearing 65 are leery. 15 million illegal immigrants will still not get services unless emergency. I’d respectfully suggest incrementalizing and simplifying. 1,000 mobile well appointed say $500,000, 5,000 ft. clinic health centers in shopping centers and urban shopping areas bring health to people with doctor (or nurse resident), nutritionist, scanner to be used only if appropriate, blood tests at an affordable out of pocket cost.
Legislate you can take insurance from job to job.
Open every state to every insurer who wants to sell and is legitimate. And say it in plain language, one page. That will sell to Republican’s and Blue Dog Democrats.
Peter Dwares