Gaza Flotilla Activists
Dear Consul General Andreadis, Please thank your government for its sensible actions with respect to inflammatory actions by people whose time should be spent helping thousands dying in the Congo, South Sudan, Syria, Libya etc. Since they choose only to protest the government of Israel whose job it is to protect its people from importation […]
Open Letter to Congressman Daniel Issa Regarding Immigration
Congressman Daniel Issa 1800 Thibodo Road, #310 Vista, CA 92081 RE: Immigration Dear Congressman Issa, I agree with you in principle. I would expand legal immigration for best and brightest and others with investment capital to be 85% of total of legal immigrants admitted each year, reducing to 15% lottery. Bring in 1 million people […]
RE: Future Run for Governor, My Opinion
Dear Gavin, I will order the book. A subject to tackle in your next book is how to run a balanced budget long term, City, State, Federal while giving the needy services, without stifling initiative of other people by inappropriate use of assistance. Interview twenty solid Democrat and Republican Mayors and Governors you respect, as […]
RE: On Bin Laden’s Killing
This man planted seeds for mass murder here, if not the direct commander. He was killed in a war he started. Morally, I have no reservation. Practically we might have gotten more information by keeping him alive, but at the same time we would be creating more publicity, thus kidnapping, killing that outweighs keeping him […]
Re: Mike Denunzio: Speaking Clearly
Mike, I like the new title of your mailing “Speaking Clearly”. I like the bullet points. I agree 100%. You could also talk about Jerusalem welcoming all people to visit now, did not under Jordan. West Bank was never a Palestinian nation but simply land controlled by Jordan. All the medical and technological advances benefiting […]
Dear Roger
Dear Roger, Obama whether in civil liberties (phone listening in), questioning (not waterboard) but in Libya , Iraq, Afghanistan has the same policy as Bush II, except Israel where he is putting way too much pressure on it to get a feather in his cap or ingratiate himself with Arab Street or in his mind […]
From Securities Lore to Securities Law
The following article. written by Peter Dwares, was published in Duquesne Law Review. Duquesne Law Review Duquesne Law Review Volume 11, Number 1, Fall 1972 From Securities Lore to Securities Law Peter L. Dwares* A lawyer frequently has to deal with that discombobulating concept, the restricted security. As used in this article the term means […]
Adopt A Special Kids (AASK) Holidays (Uncle Nathan’s Day, 1980-present)
UNCLE NATHANS DAY – December 10th, 2008 (sponsored by Peter Dwares Foundation) UNCLE NATHANS DAY – 2007
Dwares Blue Angels Party 10/9/2010
High above San Francisco, on a rooftop boasting one of the finest views in The City, some of the finest people in The City gather to enjoy the aviation triumph and sensory overload that is The Blue Angels. Click here to view photographs by Gary Orenstein.